Head of sub-department:

Irella Bogut, Full Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Irella Bogut, Ph.D.

Scientific vocation

Full Professor



Office number


Research interests


limnology, meiofauna, nematofauna, ecological education, ecology and sustainable development


She graduated from the Faculty of Education in 1996 in Biology and Chemistry and obtained a professional title of Biology and Chemistry Teacher. She graduated in 2000 and received her PhD in 2005 in the field of ecology, biology, natural sciences at the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Zagreb University. From 1998 to 2008, she worked in the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Education (later the Biology Department ofthe Josip JurajStrossmayerUniversity of Osijek) as a PG student, assistant and senior assistant on the project "Protection of the KopačkiRitReservoir" and was teaching from the natural sciences group: Practices and Seminars from Invertebrates, Marine Biology, Protozoa, Theories of Organic Evolution, Tertiary Teaching II, Embryology and Organic System Evolution). From 2008 until today she is employed at the Faculty of Education. From 2008 to 2010 she was the Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. From May to October 2010 she was acting vice-dean for education, and from October 2010 to October 2018 the vice-dean for science. Since October 2018 she chairsthe Subdepartment of Natural Sciences of the Department of Natural Sciences of FOOZOS. She teaches in Natural Science I, Natural Science II, Ecology, Field Teaching, Ecological Education in the Pedagogy, Ecology for Sustainable Development, Knowledge of Plants and Animals. She is also an author and a co-author of textbooks, workbooks, methodical manuals, books, book chapters, over 50 scientific papers and numerous professional papers from the field of biology and pedagogy. She is a collaborator on numerous international and domestic projects ("Peacemaking the education and &employment: answers to new challenges and opportunities", the European Night of Researchers (TPTF_ERN) package/theme: Strossmayer days, LUMEN "etc.).

List of publications (link to CROSBI)

CROSBI Irella Bogut

Members of the sub-department:

Zvonimir Užarević, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Zvonimir Užarević, Ph.D.


Associate professor



Office number


Research interests

biomedicine, biology, biotechnology


He graduated at the Pedagogical faculty at the University of Osijek in 1998 and earned the title of professor of biology and chemistry. He holds a doctorate in 2011 at the Postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral study in Molecular biosciences at the University of Osijek. From 2000 to 2004 he worked as an assistant at the Department of biology at the Pedagogical faculty in Osijek. Between 2004 and 2006 he teaches biology and chemistry at secondary school MatijaAntunReljkovic in SlavonskiBrod and from 2006 to 2008 he worked as an assistant at the Department of biology in Osijek. Since 2008, he has been employed at the Faculty of education in Osijek. In 2014 he was elected to the scientific-teaching professorship of an interdisciplinary field of science (basic medical science and interdisciplinary biotechnical sciences). At the Faculty of education, he teaches Health education, School hygiene, Knowledge of plants and animals, Field work, Natural sciences, Ecology, Biological kinanthropology and First aid. As an author and co-author, he publishes original scientific papers in journals indexed into Current Contents and Science Citation Index Expanded. He is the author and co-author of numerous scientific and professional announcements at national and international conferences. He is a member of the Croatian society for cancer research, Croatian biological society, Croatian society for plant physiology and Croatian society for chemistry.

List of publications (link to CROSBI)

CROSBI Zvonimir Užarević

Irena Kišmartin, senior expert associate
Krešimir Vidačić, Assistant